Welcome to The Redneck Disc Golf

Disc Golf is an incredibly addictive game that can be played by anyone who can throw a disc. The sport provides a fun and challenging outdoor activity that tests a player’s mental skills of concentration, focus and patience.

Disc Golf provides a low-impact exercise that requires focus on mental strategy and provides an avenue for people of every skill level to play together. In addition to offering a fun activity.

Disc Golf can ease you into a higher level of fitness and health. Using Disc Golf as a low impact exercise will help you build strength, stability and balance.

Next to each other are a 9 hole Executive Disc Golf Course and An Around 9 disc facility, located 1 mile north of Confluence on route 281. Watch for the signs.

Fee: 60 minutes of fun play for $5 per person. Group rates available for shotgun starts. Please remember to bring your own discs.

For questions please contact Len Benyak at LJBenyak@aol.com.